Friday, August 24, 2007

A-List Celebrities, Beware

I'm going on a mini-vacation this weekend. This should strike fear in the hearts of major public figures everywhere.

Why? Because my vacations are death knells for celebs, that's why.

JFK, Jr. plunges into the Atlantic - I'm in Williamsburg, VA channeling Martha Washington.

Mo Gov. Mel Carnahan's plane goes down - I'm in Maui learning to shake what my mama gave me from a seriously hot hula instructor. (No disrespect to my too-cute Scotch-Irish hubby, but holy cow, Hawaiian men are gorgeous!)

Princess Diana crashes in Paris - I'm in Branson with my best friend Amy enjoying a girls' weekend.

Royals in particular should be concerned - Amy and I are doing another girls' weekend, this time at Tan-Tar-A. And yep, it's been ten years since we had a girls' weekend - when you kill off the world's most popular woman during your last one, you think twice before venturing out again.


Anonymous said...

Oh, man. This is going to be so creepy if somebody makes the Deathwatch List.

On a similar note: I've been in gyms (not frequent places for me, the nonexerciser) during both shuttle tragedies. See why I don't exercise? It's not good for NASA.

Mistie said...

Yep, NASA's in danger from me as well - I was on vacation (I swear this is true) when Columbia went down. I'm totally freaked out that Mickey Mouse is going to bite it when we're at Disney World next month.

Anonymous said...

I too am unlucky. Two earthquakes and a war operation have occurred/began on my birthday: Operation Desert Storm and the Northridge and Kobe earthquakes.

There are still a few hours left in the weekend, but I dare say you (and celebs worldwide) have survived!

Mistie said...

It looks like my streak has been broken - maybe Mickey Mouse will be safe next month after all.

If I was a Disney Princess, though, I'd be buying extra life insurance. :-P

And I'm right there with you, Susan - World War I began on my birthday!