Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Bake It Out, Y'all!

Project time! My West County Community Church (for those of you not from St. Louis, we divide our "city" [which is actually more of a county than just a city - suburban sprawl heaven here] into sectors - West Co., South Co., North Co., etc. - don't know why - reminds me of the annexation of Berlin after WWII :-P) bible study group is sending homemade cookies to our soldiers bravely and selflessly serving overseas this Christmas. The cookies are due at the church Nov. 11.

I love baking - looooove it - so this is going to be seriously fun, and it's going to help a group of people I just don't think we can honor enough. If you'd like to help out and you live in the area, I'm planning a Cookie Baking Extravaganza in my kitchen Saturday, Nov. 10. Come one, come all with your favorite cookie recipes, ingredients, cookie sheets, etc., and we'll bake it out!

If you aren't a baking fan but would like to help the effort, drop off cookie ingredients and I'll whip 'em up. Or, we're going to need lots of tins and/or small tupperware containers to pack the cookies in, so those would be equally welcome.

Y'all let me know if/how you want to help. Even if you can't participate in this effort, though, please consider doing something for our soldiers this Christmas to let them know how much we love, support and miss them and pray that they come home safely.

1 comment:

Liz said...

Hey I think I've been there!