OK, regular readers - you thought I was just comic relief - I'm about to get...gulp...controversial.
I've come across an interesting trend within my professional/personal relationships lately, so of course I have to spill my guts about it here - what exactly is wrong with girls/women enjoying feminine things like the color pink, lace, bows, feminine clothes, etc.?
I dunno - maybe it's my Southern Belle tendencies, but I unabashedly and unashamedly love pink, love feminine clothes, love my curves, and love being a woman. I've also unabashedly and unashamedly nurtured those tendencies in my girls - Princess Elizabeth refuses to wear anything but dresses and skirts, loves dressing up in the frilliest outfits possible and loves, seriously LOVES, pink. When presented with a choice of outfits, Princess Grace will go for the girliest things every time.
I don't see this as a problem. I don't think this means they'll be rejected from top universities, denied access to the executive suites in their jobs or treated as bimbos simply because they wear feminine things. In fact, I know a number of extremely feminine women executives who won't hesitate to rip your head off and shove it down your neck if need be - while retaining their good manners, poise and a charming smile, of course.
I kinda thought we'd left this thinking in the 80s along with big shoulder pads and even bigger hair. Apparently not - I know mothers who will do anything to keep their female children out of ruffles and bows, and I also know moms who deliberately named their girls "gender neutral" names to theoretically avoid saddling them with female stereotypes later in life.
Look, if you name your child "Bambi" or "Candi" or some other pseudo-hooker-hoochie-mama name, maybe I buy that. But otherwise - are you kidding me? Do you honestly think a gender neutral name is going to give them a leg up on their female buddies somewhere in life?
Here's the deal - I'm female and dang proud of it. I've got (fairly) perky (for nursing two babies, heck yeah!) breasts, I've got a name no one would ever assign to a male and I like wearing feminine, but appropriate, clothes. (You will never find me out without my drawers.) Yes, ladies, even - gasp! - feminine business clothes. What I also have is a pretty dang sharp mind, a great education, even greater experience in my field, and a slew of male and female clients and colleagues who actively seek my counsel. I'm also tough as nails with hardcore determination, a competitive streak a mile wide and a pain tolerance to surpass most NFL players (all natural, no drug childbirth, baby - did it and LOVED it!) If you think that whole "Steel Magnolias" thing is a bunch of Hollywood hooey, you have obviously never spent any time with Southern women.
If you don't buy into my theory (which I guess is the theory that being a girl is okay?!), fine - go do your gender neutral thing and love it - whatever works for you. But, don't be looking down your nose thinking you and your young'uns are intellectually superior to my Queenly self and my pretty Princesses just because we're female and we like it. My girls may take dance classes and play dress up with frilly costumes, but I haven't yet found an intellectual or athletic challenge they won't take. They're all girls, I'm all woman, and we're all proud as punch about it.
If we're working so hard to squelch femininity, what does that teach the next generation of girls about themselves? And if this is what we're teaching them, why are we surprised that eating disorders, depression, etc. are running rampant with our young women? When did being a girl become a bad thing?
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
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More power to you! To each her own, I say. I have had to deal with the opposite issue since elementary school. Why is it such a bad thing for me to enjoy male-dominated sports or to dislike (pink or not-pink) skirts or dresses? Why does that make someone more stereotypically feminine more of a woman than me? In my life, I have been told to dress “more girlie” or to be “more feminine.”
What these people don’t realize is that I know how to bring it when I need to… (ask my ex boyfriends).
Whoohoo Susan!! I love it! Absolutely agree - there are so many fabulous ways to embrace and express our femininity - why do we denigrate each other rather than support? In the end, what I hope is that we're all extremely proud to be women and that we pass our happiness and satisfaction with our femininity (however we choose to express it) to our collective "daughters" - the next generation of female intellectuals, athletes, leaders, business tycoons, sisters, wives and mothers.
I loved this post! Though growing up I was more like Susan, in the professional world, I feel more pressure to be more masculine if I'm ever going to climb the corporate ladder. I like to wear pink, and lace, and dangly jewelry, and cute shoes...but not at the expense of looking...powerful I guess is the word I'm thinking of. What's a girl to do?
One of my favorite pieces of girly, yet professional yet practical clothing is my pearls. My husband calls them "power" pearls. And, I must agree!
I love reading your blog -- it's so colorful and I can literally hear your voice coming straight off the computer screen. I have to wonder if you were reading my mind yesterday though as I was ranting about my desire to find a non-pink, non-frilly outfit for my 17 month old to wear in "school pictures". Not an easy task, I must say. However, although that's the route I chose to take, I'm all in agreement with you...everyone should dress how they want, in whatever makes them feel, strong, confident and (for us grown ups) sexy. And for the record, your princesses are friggin' cute and I think it's awesome that they're pals with Cinderella and Minnie Mouse! You go girl!
"pseudo-hooker-hoochie-mama name" had me laughing out loud.
This is a fantastic post and you are an amazing woman. I'm all for the pink, too and that does not make me a Barbie.
Hello Mistie! How empowering! You and your girls go get 'em! With that spirit in mind, I believe there's some boys out there that better make way for 'em! Love your voice! Like Ann said, I can literally hear you talking!
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