Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Happy Birth Day

Last week Princess Grace celebrated her second birthday (OK, so I'm a little behind with this post - sorry about that). I've found that my princesses' birthdays always bring about the memories of their births (I'm guessing all moms are like this), and it's such a joy for me to relive that experience.

I'm serious. No really, I'm totally serious.

Princess Grace's birth was the most amazing experience of my life. Just five hours of labor in a quiet room with my hubby, my doula, my chiropractor (you laugh, but I now swear by them for labor help) and the most wonderful nurse and doctor you could imagine. And yes, my doctor was in there quite a bit. (Side note: Ladies, if you live in St. Louis and are looking for the best OB/GYN in the business, check out this guy. He's completely insane in a mad genius scientist kind of way, but don't let that scare you - he cares more passionately for his patients and their babies than anyone I've ever seen. Talk about going the extra mile - this doctor will run a marathon for you.)

Anyway, five hours - no medication - went in not wanting it and didn't ask for it. Despite what overdramatic TV shows, your mother, and other (I think rather cruel) women will tell you, labor pain is by far not the worst pain ever. I've had more than one injury that caused far worse pain than labor (BTW, here's at least one other blogger I know agrees with me.) To me, it was my version of climbing Mt. Everest - it was the ultimate challenge - and it truly was a wonderful experience I would do again in a heartbeat.

I'm serious. Really. And I'm not a masochist or anything, I swear. You should see me wail when I get a splinter. Total wuss.

But I digress. Half an hour of pushing, and there she was - Dr. Simckes helped guide her head and shoulders out, then let me grab her under her shoulders and pull/push her out all by myself. When Princess Grace opened up her beautiful blue eyes for the very first time, she looked straight into mine, and it truly was a magical moment. I thank God for that moment every single day, and for all the moments with her since. I am truly blessed.

So Happy Birth Day to me - it's so wonderful to be able to relive those memories of that amazing birth experience every year.

And Happy Birthday to my giggly little honey bear with the big blue eyes, blond hair, dimples, feisty spirit and hysterical sense of humor. You make me laugh every day, and you continuously make my heart almost burst with pride and sheer joy. Mommy loves you, baby.


Anonymous said...

No Drugs? Is it possible for you to be more amazing than I already imagined?

Mistie said...

No drugs at all - and no screaming or cussing either. :-) But I promise, anyone can do it - no kidding, it really wasn't that hard!