Tuesday, November 27, 2007

It's Possible To Have Fun In A Hospital

If you're reading this from somewhere in the St. Louis region and are looking for something fun to do Sunday, Dec. 2 (after you recover from watching the Mizzou-OU game!), I've got a great one for you - go to a hospital.

Trust me on this one - Ranken Jordan Pediatric Specialty Hospital is hosting its annual "Shining Lights" benefit event this Sunday. Not only will you and your family (especially kids - even the smallest ones) have a ball, proceeds go to help Ranken Jordan provide sub-acute nursing care, rehabilitation and treatment for kids with complex medical conditions. It's one of only five hospitals like it in the entire country, and the care it provides kids - and their families - is just amazing. I was fortunate enough to take a tour a couple of years ago, and while I came out thanking God for my healthy children, I also thanked Him for creating places like Ranken Jordan and the wonderful medical professionals who care for such medically fragile children.

If all that doesn't spur you to buy a ticket, let's just go with the superficial - Ranken Jordan is unlike any hospital you've ever seen. The architecture is amazing - totally designed with the kids in mind - and you really have to keep reminding yourself that it's a hospital. Your kids will think it's the coolest play place ever, and you'll be spending a little bit of money for a very, very good cause. Check it out.

(Full disclosure alert: Ranken Jordan is a client of Standing Partnership - but, so are several other nonprofits. No one's asking me to tout this - I'm just doing it because Ranken Jordan rocks, the event's a lot of fun, and the princesses and I will be there having a great time - hope you'll join us!)


tyler said...

It's interesting that I ran into your blog today for a couple reasons. Well, actually I didn't accidentally run into it, per say, a friendly Google Alert lead me here. But anyways, I work for Ranken Jordan (I'm glad you love it so much, it is an awesome place) and I often collaborate with Standing Partnership. Also, I am a Christian and, oddly enough, your pastor (Phil Hunter from WCCC) got me saved. Me and his son, Matt, used to be great friends.

i just thought that was interesting.

Mistie said...

Tyler, that's so cool! Isn't Pastor Phil a hoot?! He and his entire family love the Lord so deeply. I'm so glad you had that friendship with the Hunters, and that it led you to Christ.

And, let me just say you work in what I think is the coolest place ever - I love my job, but I think the only place I'd ever leave Standing for is Ranken Jordan!

Glad you found the blog, Tyler - come back and chat anytime!