Saturday, November 17, 2007

Thanksgiving Cultural Fix

The Macy's Day Parade? Fun to watch, not so fun to actually perform in - I speak from two bone-numbing experiences. You've got to be on the street at 5:30 a.m. (for some ungodly reason), in line and waiting for the dang thing to start. At 8 a.m. In November. In New York. That's great if you're part of the Muppet Float, but if you're wearing a cheerleading uniform, you spend the whole parade staring at the guy in the Cookie Monster suit with extreme envy and realizing this is God's way of punishing you for referring throughout your high school career to those much more warmly dressed parade participants as "band geeks."

So watch the parade from the comfort of your warm, cozy home, but for real Thanksgiving laughs, watch this. Courtesy of YouTube, the funniest Thanksgiving episode of any TV show ever. And no, I am not being overdramatic - this is snort-through-your-nose and tinkle-your-pants funny. Get the tissues and the washing machine ready.

Don't say I didn't warn you.


Julie said...

You've been waiting all year to post that clip! You were talking about it in August. :) Poor birds!

Anonymous said...

Geeze Louise, now everyone can experience the clip that I must have watched 500 times for that project we worked on this summer.

What an honor though, to say you've performed in THE Thanksgiving parade.

Mistie said...

"As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly." Best line written for a sitcom EVER.

And Susan, I wrote this whole entry just for you! :-P

Anonymous said...

Heh. Confession of a former band geek: It wasn't that much warmer in those uniforms. And the Rose Parade isn't any bed of roses either, with the 3:30 am call time in winter.

Yes, it's California and always looks incredible on Rose Parade day, but at 3:30 AM in the dark it's just cold and miserable. ;-)

Thanks for your comment on my blog -- I hope Megan Meier gets justice, too.