Thursday, January 17, 2008

Can I Just Start 2008 Over?

Here's a synopsis of 2008 so far:

--Had a car accident - no one hurt, thank God, but my car? Toast. Looks like I'll be cutting out my luxury trips to McDonald's to replace the family truckster. Sigh.

--Started teaching a hip-hop dance class - totally fun to teach, but remember a few months ago how I said dancing was in my bones and was something I could just do? Yeah - not true. Should correct that to say something I used to be able to do two children and 20 pounds ago.

--Started volunteering as a coordinator for Children's Church at WCCC - I know God is trying to teach me something with this - but if it's anything other than the fact that I have a complete inability to plan anything that will hold a seven-year-old's attention for more than 30 seconds, I'm not getting the message yet.

--Princesses are still cute as buttons, but Princess Grace has developed the oh-so-developmentally-normal-but-makes-me-want-to-bang-my-head-against-the-nearest-wall habit of screaming "NO!" to anything anyone suggests, asks, or directs her to do. Also, when I say, "Come here" she automatically runs in the opposite direction, giggling hysterically because it's just so dang funny to hide from me when we're already 15 minutes late to whatever appointment/meeting/event I'm desperately trying to get us to. And apparently it's even more fun if she's nekkid.

Sigh. Will the rewind button from the DVD remote work on my life?

1 comment:

Julie said...

Oh it's still in your bones sister! I saw it! And those princesses are as cute as ever!