Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Tom=Crazy Weird; Jerry=Crazy Funny

Full disclosure - I think Tom Cruise is a blithering idiot, and a dangerous one at that. Dangerous not because of the whole worshipping aliens dreamed up by a bad sci-fi writer wanting to make a buck thing (although you've gotta admit that is dang stupid), but because he loves spouting off about topics - i.e. postpartum depression - on which he has zero training, knowledge or experience. And unfortunately, a lot of vulnerable women may listen to him and start to think he's right.

He's not. He's nuts - as in not all his dogs are barkin' nuts. If he were Southern, he'd be that crazy uncle who shows up at holidays ranting about the conspiracy between Colonel Sanders and Bugs Bunny to achieve world domination - and you have to keep slipping liquor into his Coke until he passes out snoring in the corner just to get him to shut up.

I'm sure you've probably seen this video that proves Cruise's level of crazy, 'cause he ain't that good an actor. What you've got to see is this parody video from Funnyordie.com - this is the funniest thing I've seen in a long, long time. I am now from this day forward a Jerry O'Connell fan - don't know a single movie he's in, but I'll look for him now - enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To me this is the same as Oprah or some other celebrity telling us who we should vote for or what policies we should support. Celebs seem to think that they are smarter than the rest of the general public because of the way we worship their every move. My mother always told me that when we hear something to consider the source from which it originated.