Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Any Bulldogs In The House?

No, this isn't about the Westminster Dog Show (although I was excited to see this good ole hound dog, co-owned by a Missourian no less, win!). Nope, I'm looking for any 1988 graduates of White Hall High School who may have seen my profile on Classmates.com and may now be reading my blog. Apparently several people have signed my "book" at Classmates.com, but since I refuse to pay some cockamamie membership fee to a service that's also relying on borderline tasteless ads for revenue, I don't know who's checked out my profile. I hope, though, that some classmates have found this blog, and/or my Facebook profile, and will reveal themselves.

So, if there are any Bulldogs lurking out there, c'mon out - I'd love to hear from you! I promise I'm not nearly the dork I was in high school - or at least I've managed to make some great friends despite my dorkiness.


Anonymous said...

woof, woof. Here I am, deep in the consternation of procrastination, trying to wrap up a lecture on speciation and I find myself reviewing profiles on classmates.com. (Will they ever stop teasing me with emails?!) I found your blog to be entertaining, and sad, and familiar, yet different. (I didn't know you danced at Fayetteville.) Now I am chasing memories down the school hall--I can picture you and Sarah W whispering in AP English and the top ten reasons for you and Doug D for school council. Dorkiness? Naw, that was just high school. We are re-invented, updated, web-stated, super moms now. Wait a minute, are you still short? :)

Mistie said...

Shoot, if anything I'm even shorter now - all those years of dancing compacted my spine. :-P

OK, so I don't even know what speciation is, but I did find out from that dang Classmates.com (what is it with the endless emails from them?!) that you have a doctorate in anthropology - WOW! Glad to know at least one of us from the class of '88 got something out of our science classes. I remember you being very, very good at all that - and me wishing I was good at all that.

I'm all for the snazzy, way-cool, hip mommy label - and for smashing all those little boxes we put ourselves into to define ourselves in high school to pieces. I don't know about you, but I'm lovin' 37 way more than I loved 17!

It's awesome to hear from you - let's keep in touch over on Facebook - and thanks for reading my substitute for expensive therapy that I call a blog. :-)