Thursday, April 24, 2008

In Which I Traumatize My Child

So Princess E gets to go through this "Safe Touch" class at her preschool. Being the earnest, I-should-prepare-the-Princesses-for-everything mom I am, I think I should probably talk with her just a little before she takes the class, just to prepare her. It goes something like this:

"Honey, tomorrow at school your teachers are going to talk with you about what a safe touch is and what a bad touch is."


"Well, your body is a precious gift from God, and you should respect and honor it, and so should everyone else."

"Mom, I already know all about my body. I see with my eyes, I think with my brain - I get it."

"I know, hon, but this is about learning what you should do in case anyone tries to touch you in a way you don't like. If anyone ever does that, you scream as loud as you can and come tell Mommy or Daddy right away."

"What are you talking about?"

"Well, I just want you to know that you can tell Mommy absolutely anything, even about something that might embarrass you or make you feel uncomfortable. Mommy loves you no matter what, and..."

"Mom?" "Yes, dear?" The princess bursts into tears. "I don't wanna take this class!"

So much for my plan to be open and honest with the royal offspring. When the time comes, I'm totally following Marijean's plan. I'm giving the princesses this book and putting duct tape over my mouth. I think the therapy bills will be lower that way.


Anonymous said...

You should have asked your own mom first - main rule for moms: mom NEVER says the right thing AND, EVERYTHING is her fault. This is what the psychiatrist is going to tell them anyway so just get ahead of the game. Then, for once, you may have said THE RIGHT THING.

StLmom said...

Oh boy. You're assuming MY kids don't need therapy! I think I've traumatized my kids plenty and certainly have Too Much Information disease. I think I just like to hear myself talk. Luckily, they stop listening at about 10 or so.