Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Movies That Make Me Laugh

Contrary to my intellectual veneer (:-P), I have a guilty pleasure that may shock you.

I love really funny movies.

Not just mere comedies. No pedigreed comedies like "Annie Hall" or "Dr. Strangelove" or even "Some Like It Hot" (although I do like the last two.)

I mean really goofy, silly movies that have no redeeming social value - they're just dang funny. I'm watching "Blazing Saddles" right now - one of my all-time favorites (I'm still trying to figure out why Alex Karras didn't get an Oscar nomination, or at least a heckuva steak dinner from Mel Brooks, for playing Mongo). I also love anything Monty Python (the "Every Sperm is Sacred" song from "The Meaning of Life" is a flippin' masterpiece), "Young Frankenstein" and "Airplane!" And I will drop everything to watch "A Fish Called Wanda" anytime it's on.

Anyone else have a guilty entertainment pleasure to confess?


Maria said...

I watch America's Funniest Home videos almost EVERY night. It's cheaper than a therapist!

Anonymous said...

Wayne's World. Napoleon Dynamite was good the first time. Napoleon lives in my town and I saw him at a ATA black belt event, he's really good. We drop everything when O Brother Where Art Thou comes on (but doesn't everybody?)

Mistie said...

Ooh, I love O Brother - love the soundtrack, too. Of course, it has George Clooney - that's just a bonus for the eyes. :-)