Sunday, July 20, 2008

Things I'm Looking Forward To...

  • my 38th - yep, I said it - birthday next week. Hey, I'm healthy, I've got two beautiful Princesses, and I only wear one size (okay, sometimes two) larger clothes than I do in high school. 'Taint bad considering the love affair I've been having with chocolate for the last 20 (okay, 38) years.
  • The X-Files: I Want To Believe - because Mulder and Scully together are hot. Damn hot.
  • Mamma Mia! - because it may be dumb, but it'll be dumb movie musical fun, and I'll love every minute of it.
  • reading a book from cover to cover. I will achieve this before the summer is over if I have to stick the Princesses in a closet for one night. (Don't look at me like that - I'd give them a complete supply of Cinderella dolls, fruit snacks and dress-up costumes. What do you think I am, a bad mother?)
  • the Olympics - even though Michelle Kwan's not anywhere near this one. Sob. (C'mon, Michelle - 2010. You can do it!)
  • my September trip to Mexico with dear friend Nancy. Oh no, people, don't think we're going down there for fun - we're going there to write the Next Great American Memoir recalling Nancy's 30 years as a high school teacher. Believe me, the chick has some stories to tell - and I promise, you are gonna want to read them. (Nancy, I'm thinking Helen Mirren should play you in the movie version - what do you think?)

What are y'all looking forward to these days?


Anonymous said...

Helen can play me if I get HER body!!!!!!!!!!

Julie said...

I'm looking forward to my family reuinion. It will include my mom's house full of cousins, my house full of cousins (we live next door to one another) and my 95year old grandfather that could challenge John McCain to golf or bowling and win. Fun for all! When the B's get together I also get to see where I get my "emotional" side from. It's a love fest.

Thanks for the awesome pictures from the party!

Maria said...

The red semester is almost over. 5 weeks and counting. Then, off to NYC for a weekend getaway!!