Sunday, August 3, 2008

Yep, I'm That Kind Of Mom

Lately, there's been trouble in the kingdom - Princess E has been exhibiting the kind of bad attitude and diva behavior I was hoping (ok, praying fervently) would stay away until at least tweendom. So I sat down last week to have a talk (cue the "dum-dum-duuuum" music) with said princess, trying to figure out what the heck's going on with my little Lauren Conrad-in-training.

Here's a shocker - apparently it's (gasp!) my fault.

The Princess is tired - worn out from a summer of running around, playing, swimming, etc. And when she gets tired, things get ugly - pea soup-spitting ugly. This has been true since her earliest Baby Diva Princess days - next time you see him, ask the King of our castle about the time she got so mad during a 3 a.m. diaper change she shot poop three feet across the room. Of course, he didn't realize the extent of the poop-shootage until the next morning, when upon seeing poop plastering the walls about three feet from her changing table, I ran out of the room screaming, "Oh dear Lord, what the h$#* is that?"

But I digress...apparently I've committed the same sin many parents today are guilty of - overscheduling. I usually try to get the Princesses out of the house at least once a day to do something - go to the pool, play with friends, go out to eat, hit the playground, etc. Apparently that's too much. I didn't want them to get bored hanging around the house - sue me.

Actually, it's deeper than that, and it's one of the reasons I waited so long to have little princesses. Secret confession time: I'm just don't get the whole little kid "play" thing. I don't know how to play, and I was afraid they'd be bored with me. I dreaded the day they'd want more than me singing "Wheels on the Bus" and tickling their tummies. Well, that day's come -and I knew I would suck at it.

I am aware that this sounds incredibly stupid, but bear with me for a moment. I grew up in an isolated part of Arkansas with no kids regularly around me to play with until I started school (first grade, since at that time kindergarten wasn't a requirement, so most rural schools didn't have them - just keep your Arkansas jokes to yourself - and no whistling the "Deliverance" theme either). I don't know what I did to play before I learned to read, but as soon as I did, I just read. All the time. Needless to say, I didn't really fit in with the other kids when I got to school - I was the poster child for an "old soul." I never won any popularity contests, people.

So I don't get it - the games, the tea parties, the endless rounds of "I Spy," etc. I try to play with them, and play along with their very imaginative games, as much as possible, but I am the worst at being creative, coming up with fun things to do, and especially doing anything creative and spontaneous - ugh. I really suck at that.

I've tried books, websites, etc. for ideas, but they all seem so crafty and involved and complicated - and requiring an imagination I'm just missing. But, like any good queen, I'm soldiering on - trying to fix things before the Princesses require multiple years of therapy. On Friday, we had a pajama day - we sat around, watched movies, ate popcorn and just hung out. Princess E seemed to really enjoy it and seemed a little less diva-ish this weekend. And, I'm going to try to slow August down and just hang out with them a little more. I'm sure they'll run screaming from the room within a day, begging me to take them anywhere for some fun, but I'm going to give it my best shot.

Just in case...does anyone know of a therapist who gives a group rate?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have news for matter what is bothering either of them...YOU ARE ALWAYS AT FAULT. Yes, even when they are maried and all grown up. As for now, just let them play on the floor in front of the majic box....YOU ARE NOT THEIR PLAYMATE, nor do you have to constantly provide creative, nurturing, 24/7 activities. Let them play and you do something you like to do, they need to see that they are not the center of your entertainment either. Haven't we had this conversation? YOU ARE AN INCREDIBLE MOTHER!!! Quict obsessing and let it just happen.