Monday, January 26, 2009

Random Thoughts

  • I don't much like January. Last year, I totaled my car and was about a quarter-second away from being smashed to a pulp. This year, we've dealt with one crazy sickness after another, culminating in the granddaddy-of-them-all hitting our granddaddy (my Knight in Shining Armor's dad) in the form of a severe aortic aneurysm repaired just in the nick of time. Get your annual physicals, people - it quite literally saved Grandpa Knight's life.
  • I don't much like January, pt. 2. I detest being cold. I'm retiring to Hawaii. I might be homeless on the beach considering the cost of living there, but at least I'll be warm. And have gorgeous Hawaiian men to look at. Did I mention I'm retiring next week?
  • Michelle Kwan, please come back for the 2010 Olympics. I don't think curling is going to draw enough of a TV audience to justify NBC's investment. And we need drama beyond Bode Miller's level of drunkenness before the downhill slalom.
  • My gorgeous, smart, too-sweet 17-year-old sister now has a blog. And she's heading to college in the fall. Another wrinkle just appeared on my face as I typed that. Sigh.
  • I'm planning some yummy welcome-home-and-feel-better dishes for my dear friend Julie, who's recovering in the hospital from a ruptured appendix that very nearly killed her. Julie, hon, tell me this is not part of the training for your marathon run. :-P
  • Is it bad to stuff your princesses with brownies and declare a pajama party movie marathon on a snow day? I should probably make them practice their differential equations, translate Latin text and mop the floors, huh? Fine, I'll give them a break and skip the recitation of the periodic table, but if the snow day turns into days, all bets are off.
  • Yeah, I know. We'll be starting the movie marathon about 10 a.m. with "Cinderella," then move straight into the "HSM" trilogy. I'll supply the chocolate - BYO popcorn and footie pajamas. Extra brownies for anyone with pig slippers.

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