Also, like Marijean, I loathe winter - January and February to be precise. I hate being cold. After the oil well in my backyard finally strikes, I'm buying a tropical island and never leaving.
And for my final pathetic excuse of the evening...I've been much more into reading than writing the past couple of months. I think it has something to do with the winter/cold/snuggle under blankets with a good book thing. It's hard to snuggle with a laptop. And since I only have a short amount of time each night to read/write, it's usually a one-or-the-other prospect.
So, in the spirit of getting back into the swing of writing - and finding something funny to write about - I present...a photo. It's from last summer, but it reflects the current state of our two corgis - one we've shaved, in an effort to control the mounds of hair he normally sheds, and the other we, as yet, have not. Although, given that he currently is shedding so much he looks like he has mange, I'm seriously contemplating it. The only thing stopping me is the fact that we'd then have what would appear to be two mutant chihuahuas roaming around our neighborhood, rather than just one sad, embarrassed, naked corgi.
On the other hand, mutant chihuahuas might just be what we all need for a good laugh - you decide.
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