Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The Truth Is Out There

I'm not good at talking publicly about being a Christian - contrary to what you may think after reading my blog, I'm actually a fairly private person.

I know - you're thinking you wish I'd been more private in some earlier posts. I said "fairly private" - I've got wiggle room there.

Anyway, I'm working on getting better at sharing God with others - here's a good first step. I've been participating in The Truth Project through my church. It's been an amazing experience - very focused on the "why" behind so many of the truths Christians the world over share. The lessons are led by Dr. Del Tackett, who also has the insightful blog Truth Observed.

Check it out - it's worth your time.

1 comment:

Liz said...

I have a hard time speaking openly about being a Christian too. I think I feel like I don't know enough about the Bible and what's in it to go around quoting versus and introducing people to God and Jesus. I also don't want people writing me off as a Bible-thumper or even worse, looking like a hypocrit because I'm not ALWAYS the model Christian and I'm not proud of it. So I go to Church, read, and work on myself and getting myself into Heaven before saving someone else. Is that wrong? Man I suck.