Sunday, November 25, 2007

Honoring A Great Lady

Tonight I had dinner with one of my favorite people in the world - my friend Nancy. I've known her for more years than either of us care to admit (Nancy, we're not older, we're just more mature now!), and she's an honorary aunt to the Princesses, who adore her.

Unfortunately, I don't get to see her as much as I'd like, and that's entirely my fault. I get way too wound up in myself and my often inane busy-bustling around, and I don't connect with Nancy (or any of my friends - Amy, Julie and Melissa T., you are so on this list) as much as I really want to. So, to help correct that big ole flaw in my character, I'm calling myself out here in "public" and vowing to change by not only paying more attention to the needs of my friends, but telling all of you how wonderful they are.

Nancy is hands down the strongest person I've ever met. She's had some seriously big rocks thrown at her in her lifetime, all trying hard to knock her down, but she's not budging. She's opinionated, independent and stubborn as heck - but she also has a heart of gold and will drop everything and come running when you need her. And I'm definitely not the only person who can say that - she's got a ton of friends and 30 years of high school students she taught about health, and about life, who could say the same thing. Nancy loves my children dearly, even when they're less than little angels, and I love her for that.

Thank you, Nancy, for being my friend and for sticking by me, even when I gave you so much less than what you needed or deserved. I promise to do better by you and our friendship - and I promise I'm working on your book!


Julie said...

Mistie, your blogs have become my refuge for weary days, and I feel such strength in our connection through it. God bless this technology, you, and Nancy too. What a great life we have!

Mistie said...

Aw shucks, now you're making me cry! What a sweet thing to write - thank you!!

Nancy said...

As I wipe the tears from my eyes, and we all know how rare that is, all I can say is, "I'm not worthy" and " of course I love the princeses, look who gave birth to them, just the best southern belle in my life!!! Nancy

Mistie said...

Shoot, people, I'm going to have to finagle us a sponsorship from Kleenex if this keeps up! :-P