Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Is She Four Or 40?

Princess Elizabeth did something so dang sweet today I just had to let y'all know (BTW, is anyone still reading this blog? No one's commenting at all - lurkers, come out of the woodwork - I'm feeling lonely!). It's a little thing, but to me it's a major achievement.

She helped someone who needed help.

We were in the checkout line at the grocery story, and as the lady in front of us unloaded her cart, a package came open and six cans of tuna went flying everywhere. Completely unprompted by me, the Princess stepped up, said "I'll help you!" and began chasing down tuna cans.

Shoot, the kid almost made me lose it right there by the tabloids and the travel-size wipes.

With kids, you spend most of your time wondering if they're listening to anything you say and despairing that it's all going right through their little brains with nary a stop. She can recite all three Shrek movies word for word, but is she really listening when we talk about the importance of helping others, keeping your fingers out of your nose and eating your veggies?

Apparently so - at least on one out of three she is. I'm hoping she gets the other two before she goes to college.


Anonymous said...

Aww! I love those tender moments when you know that your screaming is sinking in. I've been considering setting some lectures to the tunes of High School Musical...

Raquita said...

We are still here - and it always does the heart good to see your childeren do the things we teach them to do.

Anonymous said...

I'll post a comment, and yes I'm a "My Heart's in Dixie" lurker for sure. I love your little stories, just like this one. Very funny stuff.

Mistie said...

Comments - I love it!!! Thank you!!

Christi, brilliant idea - let's get together and write some lyrics.

Raquita & Justin, thanks for reading! Goofy things happen to me just about every day, so I doubt I'll run out of material to write about anytime soon!

Anonymous said...

I read ... but you know that. Love you and those cute-as-pie kiddos.