Friday, November 2, 2007

Just Call Me Valerie Bertinelli

Here's a fun fact to find out about yourself on Halloween - you're officially overweight.

A visit to the doctor forced me to confront that which I've been avoiding for a long time - a scale. (Side note: Who invented that instrument of torture in the first place? I'd like to force-feed them Reese's cups and Hershey's Kisses until it comes out their ears.) And what did it reveal? That my addiction - no, compulsion - okay, fine, obsession with chocolate has finally caught up with me, and I now weigh more than I ever have in my life.

And I find this out going into the holiday season. Oh, joy.

Did I mention that my oh-so-cute princesses (dressed as Minnie Mouse and Sleeping Beauty, naturally) brought home what must be a record Halloween candy haul? Sigh.

Anyone know a charity that takes massive amounts of Halloween candy away from people with fat thighs?

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