Sunday, December 9, 2007

Baking The Night Away

It's one in the morning - I'm making a princess castle birthday cake for Princess E's fifth birthday party. Yeah, I know - why don't I just order one from a bakery like every other sane mom in the stratosphere? As my mom tells me every year, she won't remember that I made her birthday cake.

She might...and if she does, I hope she remembers them fondly. (Hopefully time will soften her memory about the truly ugly Cinderella cake I made her last year...sigh...I tried.)

And even if she doesn't remember, I will. One day when she's grown and moved away, and I'm sitting on a beach with a cute cabana boy bringing me boat drinks...uh, or sitting in my wheelchair in the retirement home (sorry, wrong fantasy), I'll remember. I'll remember each and every cake - and the excitement she had telling me exactly what she wanted - and our shopping trips to get just the right glitter and purple icing spray - and her face lighting up when she saw her dream cake brought to slightly lopsided life.

And that's why it's one in the morning and I'm making a princess castle birthday cake.


Julie said...

That's exactly why you do it. She'll always remember. It's one of my fondest memories of my birthdays - my mom's cakes that symbolized whatever I was into that year, and more importantly how much she loved me. :) Well done girlfriend!

StLmom said...

Oh, dear -- I have SO been there and this post brought back so many lopsided disastrous memories. I wouldn't trade them though, and good for you creating a castle cake. I've always wanted to try that one . . . maybe next year?

SusanIsk said...

That's great! My mom always made me the same birthday cake -- Burt and Ernie, but it's what I always wanted.

Anonymous said...

Stop it right now! You made me remember the Angel Food cake with 7 minute frosting my mom always made me. I so didn't get the stay up til 1pm baking a cake gene. Maybe boys don't care?? Maybe I'll take a class. Or just keep my mom on speeddial. She MADE a lightening mcqueen cake that tasted very good.