Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Did I Change That Diaper...Uh, Press Release?

A scene from the schizophrenic life of a part-time PR person/full-time mom:

Me (on the phone to a colleague): "Should we pitch the health care story or the school story? The school story is more timely - let's pitch it to (insert various reporter names here)."

Princess G (while I'm on the phone): "Mommy...Mommy...Mommy...Mommy...Mommy..."

Me (still on the phone): "OK, thanks for your help!"

Princess G: "Mommy, go poopy...Mommy, go poopy...Mommy, go poopy..."

Me (trying desperately to get off the phone): "Yep, sounds great...thanks again...sorry for the interruption...yeah, she's a hoot! Never know what they're going to say at this age!" (Embarrassed, but finally manage to get off the phone.)

Princess G: "Mommy, go poopy!"

Me: "You went poopy in your pull-up? Are you sure? "

Princess G (in a spot-on Sean Connery imitation she's recently adopted - I don't know why): "Yesh."

Me: "Or did you just toot?" (I ask this because the Princess has become a smidge confused on this nuance of late - not sure how - I would think it's pretty apparent, but whatever.)

Princess G (cocking her head in her "aren't I adorable?" way): "Hmmm...just toot! Hee hee hee!"

The dog gives me a look that quite clearly says, "See, lady? It's not always me."

I sigh, put my head on the kitchen counter, and pray that I really did hang up the phone before my colleague heard me ask, "Poop or toot?"

1 comment:

Nancy said...

Mistie, dear, from what I understand and something to look forward to....when I get a "little" older, and you several others are taking care of me, this question will raise it's ugly head again!!! Toot or Poop, that WILL be the question. LOL Nancy.