Sunday, December 2, 2007

Pathetic, But True

I'm deep in the throes of an all-out pity party.
My dear hubby has a week-long corporate meeting to attend in January, and he's going here.

More specifically, he's staying here - which is the reason for my aforementioned party.

I've been wanting to stay in this hotel, I dunno, forever. It's so expensive, though, I thought it was now specifically reserved only for Oprah, Bill Gates and select members of the Wal-Mart family (the ones they let out in public), so I was content to gaze longingly at it while on the monorail.

(Side note: Yes, I know I'm blessed to have had the chance to go to Disney World at all, and that the hotel we stayed in on our last trip there was wonderful. But, this is a pity party - the indulgence of my selfish, pathetic, immature side that rears its sad, sad head more than I wish it would. I also occasionally hide in my closet and eat these - and you thought I had it all together, didn't cha?)

Anyway, he's trying to tell me he's going to be "working" and "in meetings" the entire time. Yeah. Uh-huh.

If I find one Minnie Mouse autograph or Disney Princess photo on him when he returns, he's toast. In the meantime, I'll be in my closet with Hostess goodies and my fat pants.


StLmom said...

Oh, gosh -- I've always dreamed of staying there. And what are you worried about? He'll just be taking photos of trash and looking for specks of dirt.

And by the way -- princesses do not have fat pants.

Julie said...

It's just not right. In fact it's so wrong that I'm going to go eat some chocolate for you. :)

Anonymous said...

OK - I am just a bit confused. I thought the "D" word was the enemy. Are they just going there to spy or what?

Mistie said...

MJ & Julie, these comments are great examples of why I love you!

And yep, I thought it was strange they were visiting the competition for their corporate meeting, too. Maybe they're going to try to infiltrate the famous "underground offices" underneath the Magic Kingdom and pry secrets out of the Mouse! :-P