Friday, January 4, 2008

It's Good To Be An Iowan

I am soooo jealous of Missouri's neighbors right now. Did you see how cool the Iowa caucuses were? I really paid attention to exactly what a caucus was and how they worked for the first time (either I'm finally growing up or I've descended so far into geekdom I'm hopeless) - and it looked like so much fun!

(If you need a primer, like I did, on the whole caucus process, check out this video from the John Edwards campaign. This is in no way an endorsement of Edwards - I just think his campaign explained the process in a really clever way.)

Before 2012, I'm moving to a caucus state - I wanna be in a room actively campaigning for the candidate of my choice and battling it out for that "under 15%" group. That kind of passionate grassroots political involvement is probably just what our Founding Fathers had in mind when they created our political system.

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