Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Lessons Recently Learned

--The week one child has been sick with an ugly stomach virus is not a good week to lose the other child's wooby (y'know, the favorite cuddle toy). This was contributed by my dear husband, who had to search through the big garbage can in the garage, filled with seriously nasty diapers, to make sure we hadn't accidentally thrown the wooby away in all the Christmas morning wrapping paper. We eventually found the wooby, and hubby did eventually come out of the shower, after disinfecting himself with all the soap and Lysol we had in the house and making me promise he wouldn't have to get near the trash again for a week.

--If you send your hubby an email with the exact gift you want in the size you need, chances are you'll get it. It's all about making it as easy as possible, ladies. Yes, it takes the surprise out of it, but it also saves you from that whole annoying return process, allowing you more time to hide from your kids in your closet and chow down on more holiday fudge. (Pathetic? Yes. Yummy? Uh-huh.)

--Dick Clark is getting really old. This is only truly upsetting to those of us who remember American Bandstand. If you don't, Google it - it was a cool show.

--Your kids may fight like piranhas while they're awake, but let them sleep together in the same bed, and they'll snuggle up to each other so sweetly that just looking at them will make you cry. Yeah, I know - again with the pathetic...but they're dang cute, and I'm such a total sucker that seeing them so angelically sleeping makes me reconsider applying for help from Supernanny.

Any lessons recently learned you want to share?


Anonymous said...

Lessons learned: new, custom couch pillows and small children with snotty noses are not meant to co-exist. Nothing more that needs to be said except DUHHHH they have cute pillows at Target for $19.99.

If you cannot find your 4 year old monkey boy in his bed at 10pm, check the top of the closet.

Just because you go back to work does not automatically mean you stop loading and unloading the dishwasher 3 times a day while husband watches the news. At 5:30 and at 6pm.

Best lesson learned - enjoy these days with these kids! They are so lovable and funny.

Anonymous said...

* When you step on a toy, don't get mad and throw it into the other room. You'll forget about it and step on it again! OUCH.

* Christmas decorations don't put themselves away. Bummer.

* Cold weather makes for insane cooped-up family.

Maria said...

(1) I CAN cook. Agh! Don't tell Kris.
(2) The dog doesn't hate me as previously thought.
(3) I don't care what the Al Gore says, it is 60 degrees outside and it feels gooooood.
(4) The world's problems are largely caused by overly self-important people.
(5) Someone needs to lock Britney up indefinitely.