Monday, March 3, 2008

Things That Creep/Gross Me Out

--Freakishly bad plastic surgery (what's up with the lip plumping thing? Save yourselves some money, ladies, and just knock yourself in the mouth with a baseball bat.)

--The "Today" Show doing a story on bizarre foods - rotting shark meat, roasted scorpions and coffee made from digested and pooped out coffee beans - at 7:30 in the morning. Seriously, was there nothing else going on in the world this morning? Potential war in South America, Russian elections, anything? Heck, I'll take a Britney update over barbecued cockroaches.

--Oprah Winfrey's influence on Americans (not necessarily politics - could be medicines, diets, movies, charities, the shape of our poop, that ridiculously stupid book "The Secret" - you name it). Have we just completely lost our ability to think on our own and/or choose a book or movie without this chick's help (who, by the way, probably hasn't stepped into a bookstore or movie theatre like the rest of us in 20 years. Nice lady - I guess. Smart lady - sure. Talented businesswoman - totally. Worthy of my fawning adoration and total devotion to doing whatever she says - I don't think so.)

Side note: having ranted about her, I do think that the term "va-jay-jay" rivals my preferred "ho-ho" or "Dixie Treasure."

--Opening my door to cable/phone/carpet cleaning, etc. service people who could easily create a fake company ID and con their way into the house. True story that just happened to my friend Julie - she had a St. Louis company called Clean USA (they don't have a website I can find) in to clean her carpets last week, and not only did they take away some dirt, they also took some of her prescription medicine that they rifled through her bathroom cabinets to get. Fortunately, Julie noticed something was missing after they left, and her call alerted the company, which then found prescriptions from numerous other customers in the guy's car when they did a search. They had him arrested, but not before - get this - sending him back over to her house to apologize to her. Great - let's give him even more of an opportunity to case the house, plan revenge for getting busted, yada yada.

Side note: Clean USA apparently has a number of Better Business Bureau complaints against them for bait-and-switch pricing and shoddy work...and apparently they also hire criminals and drug addicts. Buyer beware, indeed.

--The technical term for my Dixie Treasure. Nope, still can't say it.

Anything in particular creeping/grossing y'all out these days?


Julie said...

Ooohhh baby! Looks like I will not be so blase about hiring/trusting people. I always knew that was a flaw in my character. Now I'm holding my breath and waiting for my refund check.

Anonymous said...

Okay, this didn't gross me out, just my husband - when I had a sinus infection, I had orange snot. Like the nurse didn't believe me, she said it had to be green or yellow. Considered sending her a sample.

Mistie said...

Amy, have you been snorting crayons again? Looks like it's time for another intervention...tsk tsk. :-P