- the comments section truly is whacked, or
- my blogging is putting everyone to sleep before they get the chance to comment.
So, let's test this sucker. Please make a test comment and see if it works - if it doesn't, I'm going to begin stalking Google. If it does, I'll know for sure I need to add a little McSteamy and McDreamy to the blog to keep y'all awake and interested! :-)
Oh, what? a comment? did you say something about McDreamy?
This is a test of the Dixie-land blog-casting network (by a regular reader, I might add)
It's nice to know that Justin is regular ... I guess he eats his prunes.
Prunes. ICK!
This is the old Queen Mother speaking - You can't be talking about my little Grand Princesses - I don't know where you got those children but my little Grand Princess G would not behave like that. Someone or something must be irritating her. (I was the laughing old lady in disugise in the McDonalds) Queen Mother Gram
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