Saturday, April 5, 2008

This Is A Test Of The Blogger System

I've heard from several regular readers that they've recently been unable to leave comments. That, coupled, with the fact that I've had no comments from anyone for a couple of weeks, means that either:
  • the comments section truly is whacked, or
  • my blogging is putting everyone to sleep before they get the chance to comment.

So, let's test this sucker. Please make a test comment and see if it works - if it doesn't, I'm going to begin stalking Google. If it does, I'll know for sure I need to add a little McSteamy and McDreamy to the blog to keep y'all awake and interested! :-)


StLmom said...


Oh, what? a comment? did you say something about McDreamy?

Anonymous said...

This is a test of the Dixie-land blog-casting network (by a regular reader, I might add)

SusanIsk said...

It's nice to know that Justin is regular ... I guess he eats his prunes.

Maria said...

Prunes. ICK!

Gram said...

This is the old Queen Mother speaking - You can't be talking about my little Grand Princesses - I don't know where you got those children but my little Grand Princess G would not behave like that. Someone or something must be irritating her. (I was the laughing old lady in disugise in the McDonalds) Queen Mother Gram