Saturday, May 10, 2008

I Can Blather On, Can't I?

Believe it or not, this is my 100th blog post. God bless those of you who've read from the beginning - I feel like I should send you some brownies or something to repay you for the time you've spent reading my goofy musings on life, culture and the everyday hilarity of raising two princesses.

And thanks to everyone who's joined in since, whether you've provided great comments or just remained a lurker. I hope I can cajole the latter out of the ranks of the anonymous and into giving all of us your thoughts...and yes, even your criticisms. Princess Grace has taken to telling me how much she doesn't like me whenever she gets in trouble these days. If I can take that without shattering my ego, I can handle y'all telling me just about anything.

Except how I look in a swimsuit. I'm on the verge of wearing a burka to the pool this summer as it is. :-P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

all i'm saying is that i've gained 13 pounds sinc November when I started my job and stopped chasing Jack around during the day. Make that two burkas:)