Sunday, March 8, 2009

My Happy List

It's been a long, sad couple of weeks. At a macro level, I've just decided to boycott mainstream media, because I'm sick of hearing the sky is falling. Have these people ever heard of a self-fulfilling prophecy? (Answer: of course they have, which is why they're doing it. C'mon y'all - start connecting the dots. They're getting closer together every day.)

On the home front, two of my dear friends have lost their dads to cancer, and their pain is evident on their weary faces. In times like these, I don't know what else to do except pray, do what I can to make their lives a little easier...and try to find the joy in little things. Simple minded, maybe, but it makes me feel better, so here goes.

Here's the first installment of a new series I call the "Happy List" - the goofy little things that are putting a smile on my face. Y'all let me know if you have any to add - we can all use every smile we can get these days.
  • My new iPhone - nope, don't have a clue how to work the dang thing yet, but it seems really cool - and the princesses and I love the Whack'emAll app. (Again, it's the little things, people.)
  • Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies - really, nothing more needs to be said here.
  • Reruns of "Mad Men" on AMC - two words: Jon Hamm. Wow. Just - wow.
  • This new Disney Dreams photo by Annie Leibovitz. Stunningly beautiful. Someone please tell me how can I get a print to put on Princess E's wall?
  • This blog - and this one. Oh, and one more (Michelle Kwan, you will forever ROCK in my eyes, Olympic gold or not).
  • Daylight Savings Time. Roll on in here, Spring. We all need a little warm sunshine to smack us upside the head and snap us out of the winter blahs.
  • And all the other Girl Scout Cookies. Eat up, people. It's our patriotic duty. :-)

1 comment:

Maria said...

I gave up chocolate for Lent ... but don't fret ... there's a box of thin mints waiting in my fridge for Easter Sunday!