Monday, May 4, 2009

Top 10 List Of What Moms Really Want For Mother's Day

  1. Sleep
  2. Breakfast in bed - at noon
  3. Sleep
  4. A professional massage - i.e. not by the cheapskate hubby with some massage oil, a couple of candles and a Luther Vandross CD
  5. Sleep
  6. Kisses and hugs from children who aren't screaming and punching each other over who gets to kiss and hug mom first/last/the most/the hardest/the sloppiest
  7. Did I already say sleep? I can't remember. I'm sleep-deprived.
  8. One night in a luxurious hotel suite. Alone. No Disney Channel - or Luther Vandross.
  9. One night in a luxurious hotel suite...with Zac Efron. (Did I write that out loud? I'm sorry. I'm sleep-deprived.)
  10. Healthy, loving, vibrant children and a hubby who knows how to cherish a lady. Without dragging out the Luther Vandross CDs.
  11. Sleep. I have 10 yet? I do? Sorry. I'm sleep-deprived.


StLmom said...

No Luther, you're right. Barry White, though . . . I hope you get all the sleep you want for Mother's Day.

Mistie said...

Ah, Barry White. You're right, with a little Barry in the background, dear hubby might be allowed to interrupt my sleep! :-P

amy said...

little too much info with the luther cd. the pics of the princesses are SO GOOD! Print them out BIG and frame the two of them.