Monday, April 27, 2009

Looking A Little Harder

Yeah, okay, I admit that things are looking a bit, shall we say, dark at the present moment. I for one am really annoyed that this whole swine flu thing is casting aspersions on hogs. I love hogs. I've cheered for Hogs my whole life - and in an official capacity for four years a long, long, long freakin' time ago. So how about we rename this whole pandemic thingie? How does "bacon flu" strike you? Same general meaning, but farther away from the mental image of my beloved Razorbacks. Yes, the bacon industry might be a little peeved, but c'mon, it's bacon. People love bacon. It'll bounce back in a year or so. :-P

Now that I've been highly inappropriate and insensitive with a serious topic (oh, lighten up!), let's really chase away the doom-and-gloom with this week's Happy List:
  • Highlights hidden pictures online - do y'all remember this? I adored Highlights magazine when I was a kid, and the hidden pictures were one of my favorite parts. Thanks to a heads-up Tweet from Michelle Malkin (love her!), I've just discovered them online, AND when you find a hidden object, it animates! I almost wanted to wake up the Princesses and play it with them (I say "almost" because I'm not that crazy. Yet.)
  • MOPS is coming to Wildwood - more specifically, to West County Community Church. We're having an info meeting May 6 at 6 p.m. Y'all come!
  • This iPhone app - I wanted to do something non-boring, yet fast, yet also something edible for picky Princesses, with fish tonight, so I did the "Dinner Spinner" and half an hour later the most delicious Parmesan-encrusted tilapia was being wolfed down by the family. I could not love my iPhone more. I'm sending it a valentine next year. Dear knight, you may be replaced in my affections. Sorry.
  • "Atlas Shrugged" - if you haven't read it, get up from your computer, go buy a copy (if you can find one these days - they're going like hotcakes again) and read it. The first time I read it, I was happy that I knew what's described in the story would never happen here. Reading it again, I'm blown away at how much of it is now happening. (One caveat: I of course think Ayn Rand missed the boat entirely about God. I'm surmising that growing up during the Russian revolution really did a number on her and drove her, sadly, to atheism. There is a Christian Objectivist philosophy that you may want to delve more into after reading the book.) It's scary stuff, but it's on my Happy List because it's just a fantastic book. Go. Now. Read.

And have some bacon while you're at it.

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