Monday, June 22, 2009

Movin' On...Up? Out? Into a Van Down by the River?

Drum roll please...the big news that I've been teasing about on Twitter? I'm saying farewell to Standing Partnership after ten years and going out into the big wide world on my own as a freelance public relations consultant.

Yeah, I know. Kind of a goofy time to be doing something like this, huh? There's that small issue of the biggest economic crisis the world has seen in a long flippin' time - and our dear new president's laser-focused determination to beat the living crap out of whatever shred of innovation and entrepreneurial activity that might pull us out of it. Well, I didn't exactly choose this route (I am a tinge nuts but not certifiably crazy - legally, anyway), but I am joining the ever-growing ranks of laid off workers with a big advantage - I have the option of freelancing rather than needing to go out and find another formal position with another company.

So here's the deal. I could sit around and feel sorry for myself and drown my sorrows in a bunch of chocolate. Or, I can thank God for the amazing life He's given me to date, thank him for the knowledge, experience and skills that I've gained at Standing Partnership (which I am sincerely and eternally grateful for), and focus on the doors that I know - I know - He's going to open for me. Heck, He's already started growing my freelance career in a couple of fun and exciting ways - God's not one to wait around when He's ready to move on something.

I'm choosing door #2. And I'm choosing to focus on Him and keep my faith in Him, because I believe the promise He gave me in Jeremiah 29:11. I've seen it happen over and over in my life, and He's going to make it happen again. Probably not in any way I can envision, but that's what makes it really fun, right?

I'm sad to say goodbye, but I'm excited about where He's leading me. I'll be sharing more about that here in the next few weeks, so stay tuned.

I am, though, gonna go have a big old bowl of chocolate ice cream. Told you I'm not certifiable.


Anonymous said...

My only comment is that you might want to temper your personal political remarks, it may cost you some business. This is America and we are all entitled to our opinions, but people will hold trivial things against you. We tell our salesmen that it is in their best interests to remove all controversial stickers from their vehicles when they call on clients. Just my 2 cents worth. Good luck.

Mistie said...

Ah, the coward that is Anonymous rears his/her ugly head again...and I pushed the publish button before I remembered I wasn't going to publish anonymous comments anymore (except from people like my friend Nancy who just show up as anonymous because she can't figure out how to make herself un-anonymous - love you, Nancy!)

Anonymous, go somewhere else. Seriously. Don't you have anything else to do? Something that you'd actually have the courage to put your name to?

As for me and my house, I am unashamed and proud to say we will serve the Lord first (to paraphrase one of my favorite verses). If that keeps some people away, so be it. I'm not afraid of the people who can't handle the truth.

Anonymous said...

hell ya praise the lord and put your name to what you believe in!!!!!! by the by this is the nancy that can't figure out anything techy...I'm lucky i can find Mistie's blog to lighten my world!!! i hope anonymous DOESN'T buy our book...HE COULDN'T TAKE THE HONESTY!!! Love ya girl.

michellemcox said...

I'm with you on the anonymous comments. I had a derelict post an anonymous, and rather nasty, comment on my blog a few times, but he did it from his work computer, and his server name came up in Arins WHOIS Database. His problem was that he worked for a government agency and the name of the server gave him away. Duh! I was tempted to forward the info to his employer, but being the kind person that I am, I didn't. He has a security clearance, and I really didn't want to get him fired.

But onto more important things -- good luck and keep plugging away. Remember Esther 4:14 -- "Who knows that you weren't put here for a time such as this?"